10 Đề thi giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 (Có đáp án)

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  1. miles (160 kilometers) above the upper edge earth’s atmosphere. Rockets need engines that are more powerful than jet engines to launch inro space. These powerful engines (33) ___ the rocket to overcome two strong forces: earth’s gravitation pull and air resistance. Goddard proved that rockets with more than one stage could escape earth’s atmosphere and journey into space. A stage is a section of the rocket that (34) ___ the engine or set of engine and liquid-fuel. The first stage needs to contain enough fuel to lift the entire rocket and its payload. The payload or cargo of a rocket may be a statellite (35) ___ scientific equipment or a space shuttle. Question 31. A. is B. has been C. used to D. was Question 32. A. which B. what C. that D. who Question 33. A. make B. let C. do D. help Question 34. A. holds B. have C. contains D. both A & B Question 35. A. in B. of C. with D. on VII. Rewrite the following sentences based on the given words. Question 36. The Skylab was established in the orbit in 1973. The first Apollo Moon landing mission were completed in 1969. => By the time ___. Question 37. The first of four orbital test flights occurred in 1981, leading to operational flights beginning in 1982. => Before ___. Question 38. By the end of this week, my father will have bought a new vacuum cleaner as a gift for my mother. => By the end of this week, a new vacuum cleaner ___. Question 39. Air-conditioners weren’t used populary in the past. They are now installed in almost every households. => Air-conditioners___. Question 40. In the past, students only learned what teachers provided them. Nowadays, students are expected to self-study a lot. => Students___. ___THE END___ HƯỚNG DẪN GIẢI CHI TIẾT Question 1. T Tạm dịch: Mì ăn liền là một trong những điều tốt nhất ở Nhật Bản. Thông tin: If you ask people in Japan what’s the best thing from their country, they might say instant noodles. Chọn T Question 2. F (xem đầy đủ giaidethi24h.net ) Tạm dịch: Mì ăn liền xuất hiện vào thế kỷ 19. Thông tin: The history of instant noodles begins in Japan in 1957. Chọn F Question 3. F (xem đầy đủ giaidethi24h.net ) Tạm dịch: Momofuku Ando đã không thành công trong việc làm mì ngay lập tức. Thông tin: For one year, he tried to make it. Nothing worked. One day, something good happened. Chọn F Question 4. T Tạm dịch: Mì ăn liền cốc của Ando ra đời sau khi Ando thấy người Mỹ ăn chúng. Thông tin: The Americans put noodles in a cup. That gave Ando another idea: cup noodles. Chọn T Question 5. T Tạm dịch: Cốc ăn liền được nhiều người thích khi đó. Thông tin: In 1971, he made instant noodles in a cup. It was a big seller.
  2. In the USA Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in May, when mothers traditionally receiver gifts, etc. from their children and are taken by their family for a meal at a restaurent. Many Americans wear a carnation, flower with a pleasant smell on Mother’s Day, a colored one if their mother is alive and white one if she is dead. (lent : mùa chay , carnation: cẩm chướng, servant: người hầu pleasant: dễ chịu ) a). Hãy đánh dấu (x) vào cột T(đúng) hayF( sai)(0,5 điểm) T F 1 . when mothers traditionally receiver gifts and cards from their children. 2. In the USA, Mother’s Day is the second Sunday in July 3. Mothers traditionally receiver gifts and cards from their children. 4. Mothering Sunday is celebrated on the fourth Tuesday in Lent 5.It was originally a day when servants were given a holiday to visit their families. * Questions: 1. What is Mother’s Day also called in Britain? 2. What do children give their mother on Mother’s Day ? 3. Is Mother’s Day celebrated on the same day in Britain and in the USA? 4. What do American children wear on Mother’s Day If their mothers are still alive? III. Language focus (4 điểm) A. Em hãy chọn đáp án đúng nhất(A, B, C or D) để hoàn thành các câu sau( 2 điểm) 1 . I am so proud my father and love him very much. A. of B. in C.on D. at 2. are funnel-shape storms which pass overland below a thunderstorm. A. Typhoons B.Volcanoes C. Earthquakes D. Tornadoes 3. Easter is a joyful festival comes in early spring. A. that it B. which C. where D. when 4. Snowstorms, volcanoes , typhoon are . A. natural agents B. natural disasters C. nature D. natural. 5. UFOs are . objects that some people report they have seen in the sky. A. flying B. flies C. flew D. flown
  3. Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm 1- D 2- C 3- B 4- D II. Reading : (2,5 điểm) a) Mỗi câu đúng 0,1 điểm 1- T 2- F 3- T 4- F 5- T b) Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm 1. It is also called Mothering Sunday. 2. They give their mothers gift and cards. 3. No, it isn’t. 4. They wear a colored carnation. III. Language focus (4,5 điểm) A. Mỗi câu đúng 0,25 điểm 1- A , 2- D, 3- B, 4- B, 5-A, 6-C, 7 – C, 8- B B. Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm 1. will have 2. Lived- would go 3. Has worked 4. VOLCANO IV. Writing (2,5 điểm) A Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm 1. If we don’t hurry up, we will be late for school 2. I suggest collecting giving lessons to poor children. B. Mỗi câu đúng 0,5 điểm 1.There are some students who want to do researchon volcanoes. 2.A typhoon is a stor which reaches 120 km per hour 3. The song Which is sung on New Year’s Eve. is Auld Lang Syne ĐỀ 5 ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 2 Môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 Thời gian: 60 phút I. LISTENING:
  4. A. Yes, I do B. You’re welcome C. That’s a good idea D. Thanks 10. Choose the words or phrases that are not correct in standard English. The bridge who was built about 100 years ago is going to collapse . A B C D III. READING: (2,5pts) 1. Lexical reading (Read the text then circle the best answer): (1,25pts) Air pollution causes ill health to human beings. In a lot of countries, there are laws limiting the amount (1) smoke which factories can produce although there is not enough information on the affects of smoke on the atmosphere. Doctors have proved that air pollution causes lung diseases. The gases from the exhausts of cars have also increased air pollution in most cities. The lead ( chất chì) in petrol produces a poisonous gas (2) is often collected in busy streets. Children (3) live in areas where there is a lot of lead in the atmosphere can not think ( 4) quickly as other children and are clumsy ( vụng về) (5) . they use their hands. 1. A. in B. with C. from D. of 2. A. whom B. which C. who D.where 3. A. who B. whom C. which D.whose 4. A. more B. as C. than D.less 5. A. when B. where C. why D.who 2. Read the passage then choose the best answer for each statement: (1,25pts) Vietnam’s New Year is celebrated according to the Lunar calendar. It is officially known as Tet Nguyen Dan, or Tet. It starts at the begining of January up to the middle of February. The exact date changes from year to year. Vietnamese people usually make preparations for the holidays several weeks beforehand. They tidy their houses , cook special food, clean and make offerings on the family altars ( bàn thờ). On the New Year’s Eve, people sit up to midnight to see the New Year in, then they put on new clothes and give one another the greetings of the season. Tet lasts ten days, the first three days are the most important. Vietnamese people believe that how people act during these days will influence the whole year. As a result, they make every effort to avoid arguments and smile as much as possible. 1. Vietnamese people begin to celebrate the New Year in A. early January B. late January C. middle of January D. February 2. The word “ tidy” in line 4 means : A. wash up B. put on C. decorate D. turn off 3. People stay up late to to welcome the New Year. A. 9 pm B. 10 pm C. 11 pm D.12 pm 4. If people have arguments during Tet holidays, they will be the whole year A. lucky B. unlucky C. healthy D. wealthy 5. bring the luck and happiness on Tet holidays, not arguments. A. Money B. Smiles C. Traveling D. Food IV. WRITING: DO AS DIRECTED (3,0 pts)
  5. (2,5 điểm) 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. A 0,25 x 10 = 2,5đ 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. A *Lexical reading Câu III 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A 0,25 x 5 = 1,25đ (2,5 điểm) * Reading comprehention 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B 0,25 x 5 = 1,25đ 1. The man who is being questioned by the police looks worried. 0,5 x 4 = 2đ 2. Although it rains heavily, they go on collecting trash along the beach./ They go on collecting trash along the beach although it rains heavily. Câu IV 3. Mr John suggested we should build a shelter to hide when a typhoon comes. (3 điểm) 4. The film which we saw on TV last night is very exciting. 5. Students’answer. 1đ
  6. 8. My friend John, ___ works in the city bank, earns more money than I do. A. whom B. who C. which D. that * READ (3 điểm) I/ Read the passage carefully and then choose the best answer for each blank. (2 điểm) There is much more water than land (1)___ the surface of the earth. The seas and oceans (2)___ nearly four-fifths of the whole world, and only one-fifth of (3)___ land. If you travelled over the earth (4)___ different directions, you would have to spend much more of your time (5)___ on water than on roads or railways. We sometimes forget that (6)___ every mile of land there is four miles of water. There is much water on the surface of our earth that we (7)___ to use two words to describe. We use the word seas those parts of water surface which (8)___ only a few hundreds of miles wide, the word oceans to describe the huge areas of water which are thousands of miles wide and very deep. 1.A. in B. on C. from D. over 2.A. covered B. covering C. cover D. to cover 3.A. them are B. its C. it is D. it’s 4.A. in B. for C. to D. by 5.A. moving B. to move C. move D. moved 6.A. on B. in C.within D.for 7.A. must B. should C. have D. would 8.A. describing B. describes C. described D. to describe II/ Read the following passage and complete thesentences. (1 điểm) About 4,000 years ago a young boy called Elmesu wished his father good health and a long life by writing a Father’s Day message on a card made of clay. No one knows what happened to Elmesu or his father, but the tradition of having a special day honoring fathers has continued through the years in countries across the world. Father’s Day is celebrated on 3rd Sunday in June in many parts of the world. The idea for creating a day for children to honor their fathers began in Spokane, Washington. A woman named Sonora Smart Dodd thought of the idea for Father’s Day while listening to a Mother’s Day teaching given in a church in 1909. Having been raised by her father, Henry Jackson Smart after her mother died, Sonora wanted her father to know how special he was to her. It was her father that did everything for her and was, in the eyes of his daughter, a courageous, selfless, and loving man. Sonora’s father was born in June, so she chose to hold the first Father’s Day celebration in Spokane, Washington on the 19th June, 1910. 1.According to the writer, Father’s Day was first celebrated ___. 2.Elmesu wrote a message on a clay card to wish ___. 3.The idea of celebrating Father’s Day came from ___. 4.Father’s Day celebrated in many countries in the world is on ___ each year. * WRITE (2 điểm) I/ Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) that is the same meaning with the italic sentence. (1 điểm) 1.She goes to school late because she lives very far from school. A. Unless she lives far from school, she wouldn’t go to school late. B.Unless she lived far from school, she would go to school late. C.If she lived far from school, she wouldn’t go to school late D.If she didn’t live far from school, she wouldn’t go to school late 2. I want to meet Nga, but I don’t have her address. A. If I had Nga’s address, I would meet her. B.If I have Nga’s address, I would meet her.
  7. B C B A A D C D II/ Read the following passage and complete thesentences. Mỗi đáp án đúng 0,25 điểm 1. According to the writer, Father’s Day was first celebrated in Spokane, Washington on the 19th June, 1910 . 2. Elmesu wrote a message on a clay card to wish his father good health and a long life. 3. The idea of celebrating Father’s Day came from Sonora Smart Dodd . 4. Father’s Day celebrated in many countries in the world is on 3rd Sunday in June ___ each year. * WRITE (2 điểm) I/ Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) that is the same meaning with the italic sentence. (1 điểm) Mỗi đáp án đúng 0,25 điểm 1 2 3 4 D A C A II/ Use the given words to make sentences. (1mark) Mỗi đáp án đúng 0,25 điểm 1. He/ used/ play/ soccer/ he/ be/ small. 1. He used to play soccer when he was small. 2. We have learnt English for 4 years. 3. I wish (that) I were a millionaire. 4. Rice is grown in Vietnam. ĐỀ 7 ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 2 Môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 Thời gian: 60 phút I / LANGUAGE FOCUS: * Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences: (2.0 points) 1. If there is a mechanical problem, we suggest the manufacturer directly. A. contact B. contacting C. to contact D. be contact 2. We decided not to go out for meal we were too tired. A. but B. because C. so D. to 3. Please turn the gas. I want to cook my lunch. A. over B. on C. in D. off 4. Tet is a Vietnamese festival takes place in late January and early January. A. which B. who C. when D. where 5. The man is talking to your mother is my English teacher.
  8. 3. The farm produces milk. We visited it last Sunday. (which) → 4. The man was badly injured. He was driving a car. (who) → B. Write a passage to describe a picnic which you have gone recently:(1.0 points) - Place you go/ how and when you got there/ who you go with/ thing you bring - Talk about:time you go and arrive/ what do you do there(play games/ sing a song/ boating/ fishing/ swimming - Tell how you feel and mention when you return home IV.LISTENING A. Listen and choose True (T) or False (F)? Check ( ) the boxes. (1.0 point) T F 1. There is no air on the moon. 2. There are no mountains on the moon. 3. You will be able to jump very high on the moon. 4. One day on the moon lasts for two weeks. B. Listen again and choose the correct answer: (1.0 point) 1. On the moon, we can’t speak to the other people because there is no___. A. water B. sound C. air 2. At night, the temperature on the moon is___. A. 1510 below zero. B. 1510 above zero C. 1000 above zero 3. The highest mountains on the moon are about___high. A. 26.000 feets B. 8.000 meters C. A and B are correct. 4. One day on the moon lasts for___. A. two days B. two weeks C. two months V. SPEAKING: (2.0 points)
  9. - Students write how they feel and time they return home. IV. LISTENING: A. Check T/F: 1.0 point 1. 1. T 2. F 3.T 4. T B. Choose the correct answer: 1point 1. C 2. A 3.C 4. B V. SPEAKING: 1. Introduce yourself: Học sinh giới thiệu đầy đủ về bản thân: tên tuổi, trường lớp, công việc hàng ngày, sở thích, gia đình, 1.Học sinh bốc chủ đề và nói theo yêu cầu của chủ đề: đúng nội dung, đúng ý, cách diễn đạt, dùng câu, dùng từ, ngữ pháp, * Học sinh có thể trả lời câu hỏi của giáo viên theo chủ đề đã chọn. ĐỀ 8 ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 2 Môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 Thời gian: 60 phút I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words: (1pt) 1. A. nuclear B. pollute C. infrastructure D. reduce 2. A. persuade B. wrap C. deforestation D. label 3. A. flow B. household C. folk D. category 4. A. who B. what C. where D. while
  10. 1. A. source B. resource C. resources D. way 2. A. in B. from C. of D. above 3. A. all B. recent C. total D. enormous 4. A. heat B. to heat C. heating D. heated 5. A. cloudy B. cloudless C. sunny D. beautiful V. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements that follow are True or False. Write T for TRUE and F for FALSE: (1,25pts) Pollution can kill or sicken plants, animals, and people. Pollution can change the environment. Things that cause pollution are called pollutants. Pollution can get into the air. Air pollution can irritate people's lungs. Polluted air can mix with rain to make acid rain. Acid rain kills trees and harms fish in lakes. Pollution can also get into soil and water. From there, pollutants can get into the food chain. Plants take in the pollution from the ground. Animals that eat the plants can be harmed, too. Bigger animals and even people might eat the damaged animals. 1. Animals and people can die because of pollution. 2. In order to make acid rain, people mix polluted air and rain. 3. People call all polluted things pollutants. 4. Fish in lake are harmed by acid rain. 5. The damaged plants can directly do harm to animals’ health. VI. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence: (2,5 pts) 1. Ride your bike carefully or you will cause accident. If you 2. The student gets the scholarship. He is very poor. The student 3. My friend failed his exam because of his laziness. As 4. She ate a banana. The banana was still green. She ate a banana 5. Our teacher didn’t arrive late. The traffic was terrible. Although . ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ KIỂM TRA TIẾNG ANH HỌC KÌ II I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words: (1pt)
  11. 3. As my friend was lazy, he failed his exam. 4. She ate a banana which was still green. 5. Our teacher didn’t arrive late. The traffic was terrible. Although the traffic was terrible, our teacher didn’t arrive late. ĐỀ 9 ĐỀ THI HỌC KỲ 2 Môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 Thời gian: 60 phút I/ Chọn câu trả lời đúng trong số A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành các câu dưới đây (6đ): 1. She sings very ___ A. Beauty B. beautify C. beautiful D. beautifully 2. If it ___ , we will go to the movies A. doesn't rain B. didn't rain C. Hadn't rained D. Won't rain 3. She is very tired ; ___ she has to finish her home work. A. moreover B. so C. and D. however 4. I suggest ___ money for the poot people in our neighborhood A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved 5. The picture ___ I bought was very valuable. A. Which B. Whom C. Whose D. Who 6. The man ___ helped us last week is a doctor. A. who B. whom C. which D. whose II/Chọn 1 từ đúng nhất trong A, B, C hoặc D để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau (4 đ) BIRTH OF THE COMPUTER Most people thind of computers as, very modern inventions, products of our new technological age. But actually the idea for computer (1) ___ worked out over two centuries ago by a man called Charles Babbage. Babbage was born in 1971 and grew up to be a brilliant mathematician. He drew up plans for several calculating machines (2) ___ he called "engines" . But despite the fact that’s he (3) ___ building some of these, he never finished any of them. Over the years people have argued whether his machines would ever work. Recently, however, the Science Museum in London has finished building an engine based on one of Babbage's designs. (4) ___ has taken six years to complete and more than four thousand parts have been specially made. Whether it works or not, the machine will be on show at a special exhibition in the Science Museum to remind people of Babbage's work.
  12. A. polluted B. pollution C.pollute D. polluting 2.In order to save money, we should use public transport .motorbike. A. instead of B. except C. besides D. along with 3.Lan suggested to the cinema tonight. A. go B. to go C. Went D. going 4.I’m that you are working hard A. Pleasant B. pleased C. please D. pleasing 5. If the rice paddies polluted, the rice plants will be die . A. is B. was C. are D. were 6. He isn’t going to the concert .the tickets are too expensive. A. Though B. in spite of C. because D. because 7. The boy put up the Christmas decoration is my brother. A. Who B. that C. Whom D. A,B are correct 8. He .very hard recently . A. Has worked B. is working C. works D. worked 9. Tet is the most important .for Vietnamese people. A. celebration B. invention C. decoration D. preparation 10.Don’t let children near the river. A. to play B. playing C.play D. played II. Supply the correct form for the words in capital ( 1pt) 1. He cycled and had an accident . CARE 2. She was very of the work she had done . PRIDE 3. He is interest in the . of old building . PRESERVE 4. All the newspapers praised the of the firemen . BRAVE III. Use the given words to make meaningful sentences (1pt) 1. Nam / person / always / help / me => 2.Lan /leave / room / without / say / anything .=> === HẾT === ĐÁP ÁN I- Một câu đúng (0,8pt). 1. C. 2. A. 3. D. 4.B. 5. C. 6. C. 7. D. 8. A. 9. A. 10. C. II- Một câu đúng (0,25p) 1. carelessly. 2. proud . 3. preservation. 4. bravery.