Đề cương ôn tập học kì II môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 4

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  1. Name : Review FAMILY & FRIENDS Class : 4 Unit 7 : Where does she work? 1.Write : police station firestation hospital airport store 2.Complete the sentences: He works in a Where does he work? He works in a Where he work? She works in an . does she work? He ? . . .
  2. Name : . Class : 4 Review 7, 8 9 1.Order the words: a. Where / he / work / does ? b. He / in / an/ works / airport. c. My mom / in / a / store/ works d. My dad / a police station / works/ in e. Does / in / she/ a/ work/ school ? f. Does / work / your grandma ? g. My / favorite/ are / animals/ tigers. 2.Write : windy Hot snowing raining sunny 3.Look the picture and complete the sentences: What’s the weather like? It’s What’s the weather like? It’s
  3. e. Does / in / she/ a/ work/ school ? f. Does / work / your grandma ? g. My / favorite/ are / animals/ tigers. 6.Circle odd one out and write: a. yellow purple hospital green b. scarf airport jeans boots c. aunt cousin uncle train d. skirt police station school fire station e. bank raining windy snowing f. shirt shorts store dress g. fly make go bike Name : Class : 4 Review unit 10, 11, 12 ( FAMILY & FRIENDS ) 1.Circle odd one out and write: 1. sleeping wedding talking reading 2.happy was were wasn’t 3. horse sheep cow floor 4. bad good bride happy 5.goose quite slow fast 6.guest band wedding loud 7.sad messy neat band 8.cow walk run draw
  4. 8. Was the boy hungry? j. Dad is watching TV. 9. What is dad doing? k. There are four people. 10.What color do you like? l. I like red and green. The end 3.Write in the correct columns: dance wet fast donkey loud eat chick giraffe slow dry sleep talk goat run goose speak happy hen sad tall Verbs Adjectives Animals
  5. What is Grandma What is Tim wearing? What is she wearing? wearing? 3.Write the answers: What time is it? What time is it? What time is it? What time is it? What time is it? What time is it? What time is it? What time is it?
  6. f. bank raining windy snowing g. shirt shorts store dress h. fly make go bike 3.Complete the sentences: Yes No No, she doesn’t airport store fire station 1. He works in a . 2. He works in a 3. He works in an 4. Does she work in a hospital? ,she does. 5. Does she work in a school? .,she doesn’t. 6. Does she work in a bank? . Unit 10 : You’re sleeping! 1. Write : bride band invitation guests wedding
  7. 1. Does Kim like Nga’s ao dai? -> ,she does. 2. Who comes to Kim’s house? -> Her aunt and the 3. How old is the baby? -> He is month old. 4. What’s his name? -> His name is 5. What color are his eyes? -> 6. How does Kim’s family feel? -> They feel very Unit 11: Look at all the animals! 1.Write : goose horse cow goat sheep donkey 2.Write in under on in front of behind next to between
  8. a. When do students have a school trip? -> on . b. Where do students have a school trip? -> to c. What animals are there at the fam? -> ., , , d. What fruit trees are there at the farm? -> ., , e. When does the bus leave? -> at . f. When students go back to school? -> at . g. What should students bring? -> and h. What should students wear? -> . The rules at the farm: Don’t .the animals.
  9. 5.goose quite slow fast 6.guest band wedding loud 7.sad messy neat band 8.cow walk run draw 9. small big quiet baby II.Look at the picture and write: g. The goose is the cat. ( big) h. The cat is .the goose. ( small) i. The car . the bike. ( fast) j. the car. (slow) k. The boy the girl. (tall) l. the boy. (short) III.Write in the correct columns: dance wet fast donkey loud eat chick giraffe slow dry sleep talk goat run goose speak happy hen sad tall Verbs Adjectives Animals